Thursday, July 30, 2015

Protein Balls that taste like a treat!

Im not going to lie, i think my greatest fault is snacking, i will eat the healthiest main meals but throughout the day i find myself snacking on things I'm not supposed to and that is where i think i go wrong. So I have made it my mission to find healthy snack recipes for my to eat throughout the day and not feel so guilty for!

Chocolate has never been something I have ever craved or wanted to eat but recently I have been finding myself snacking on little squares of chocolate - which in moderation is fine but honestly everyday is probably not the best for my waistline!

So while on my search I discovered a number of recipes including dates, which at first did not appeal to me but after a while I thought - Why not give it a go? 

So I decided I would make chocolate date protein balls and i am honestly obsessed with them! 

The recipe is really simple and as you guys can see it doesn't have that many ingredients and they are all natural. You can of course also omit the protein powder if you don't want them to be protein based. I also added dark cocoa powder to make them even more chocolatey.

Basically I crushed about 1/3 cup of cashes cashews and then blended 1/2 cup dates until they were a caramel brown colour! I then mixed as much of the other ingredients as i wanted in with the dates and rolled them into balls and refrigerated them and thats it! 

They are so and healthy and honestly have been snacking on them heaps! 

Let me know if you guys have a healthy snack you enjoy?

LOVE Jess xx

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Glowy & Peachy Makeup of the Day

Don't get me wrong - I love makeup and experimenting with it is honestly one of my joys in life, but sometimes I just can't be bothered. When I am just running out to the chemist or the supermarket all I want to do is put on some BB cream (if that) and run out the door. 

Today was not one of those days. Today I had a good ole play with my makeup to create this pretty peachy glowy summer look with orange lips! 

I was filming an outfit video and the intro to a what I ate today video and really wanted to experiment with a summery looking makeup look.

My face: 
- Skin 79 BB cream
- Maybelline Fit me concealer
-Inika mineral foundation - setting powder
- Colorpop highlighter - Steal the show 
-Mac Blush - Warm Soul
-Maybelline sculpting duo - Medium/Dark

My Eyes:
-Mac paint pot - Rubenesque 
-Inglot Eyeshadow - 09
-Jaclyn Hill Morphe palette 
                   -medium brown colour (crease)
                   - orange colour (bottom lash line)
-Covergirl full bloom mascara
-Maybelline brow drama

My Lips:
-Colorpop lipliner & Lippie stick - Clique 

Thankyou so much for reading!
Talk soon 
Jess xx

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Healthy Edit - Mini Quiche & Healthy Pizza

Lately I've been in a bit of a food slump - I honestly feel like I eat the same few dishes ever few weeks and that I am getting a bit bored with myself - its not just me either, my husband has been making comments about trying to incorporate new foods into our diet and honestly i couldn't agree more.

So over the past few weeks I have been slowly experimenting with our meals and adding in new and healthy foods that really are yummy!

These two are honestly favourites by far of the many meal recipes I have been trying (desserts are a whole other post)  and honestly they are probably the easiest. 

Healthy Pizzas
Made up of a whole bunch of ingredients in my fridge and chucked in the oven to fill a pizza craving that we all know isn't good for us? sounds about perfect to me. These Pizzas were so yummy & honestly healthy that I don't know that my husband or I will ever be able to go back to the fast food types. 

Ingredients: Wholemeal mini pita, baby spinach, egg, garlic, tomato paste, light cheese, roasted peppers, cracked pepper, oregano ( you could easily add onion, tomatoes etc), oven baked for 10- 15 mins or until crispy at 180 degrees.

Mini Quiches
Throw a whole bunch of raw ingredients into a muffin pan and bake in the oven for 20 mins and you have a meal? Thats honestly how easy this recipe is! These were a true favourite with my husband and I think they are honestly a breakfast, lunch or dinner food! We served ours with a piece of buttered toast but you can honestly have them on their own and they are truly satisfying. They are also dairy, gluten and sugar free!

Ingredients:baby spinach, bacon, red peppers, garlic, cracked pepper, lightly salted, beaten egg poured into muffin tins and baked at 180 degrees for 20 mins.

I have been really enjoying these recipes and i hope your family loves them just as much as mine!

Stay tuned for more healthy recipes!

Thankyou for reading

Jess xx