As a girl I often long for full and luscious long lengths of hair, I look at girls on the street, on facebook and everywhere else on the web and I am ever so envious of their beautiful long hair. I havent had long hair since I was very young, probably early school aged, otherwise my mum kept me at the fuss-free shoulder length bob all my life (thanks mum haha). When I got to early highschool I grew out my hair and kept it at a middle of my back length until I was into my 1st year of uni when I decided to cut it off to just above my shoulders! I LOVED it, but as always seeing other people with their long hair made me miss mine and I decided to grow it out again, and thus the cycle began.
Every year I go through the same phase of growing my hair to a certain length and then cutting it all off and so on and so forth, until this time when I sat down and told my hairdresser i'm done growing it out for now and got it all cut off! I decided that my hair never looks like what i want it to, and maybe it just because i'm impatient, or maybe its because my hair just doesn't grow well, but nevertheless i'm going to try and embrace my short hair for as long as I have it and who knows, maybe I will keep it this length.
We all spend our lives wanting what others have and never appreciating what we've got, so for now i'm going to try and enjoy having short hair, and I think we all need to embrace our hair at all lengths no matter what others have.
Jessica xxx