In todays post I am going to go through my normal weekly workout routine. Now before i begin, i will say some people may find my workout routine quite full on, but i enjoy it and i really like to push myself to see results. For these workouts the most you will need is a goof pair of workout shoes and a set of hand weights (i use 3lb)

Tuesday, Thursdays & Fridays: I don't have university on these days this semester, so i will normally do a full workout. This workout will consist of me completing Jillian Michaels burn fat boost metabolism workout (approx. 45mins), followed by Jillian Michaels no more trouble zones workout (approx. 45). I will usually do my workout between breakfast and lunch. I will further review these workout dvds individually in future blogposts.
Saturdays:I will normally complete Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred and a 20minute bike ride, this is because on Saturdays i don't want a full workout but i like to take more than one day off a week from my workout.

I have been following this workout plan for a number of weeks now and have seen very good results.
i hope this post was helpful for those who were interested in a at home workout routine that doesn't include expensive gym equipment or gym membership.
Disclaimer: Just because these routine works for me, doesn't mean it will work for everyone, always consult your doctor or practitioner before beginning a new workout routine, especially one as full on as mine can be.
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