Truth be told, I don't wear makeup everyday, there...I said it. It is not a requirement for my everyday life to wear makeup on a daily basis, particularly in my line of work, with early mornings, sweaty showers and running around feeling a little headless at times, the least of my worries is if I am wearing makeup. That being said, it is something I enjoy to wear and will indulge in whenever I get the chance.
However I feel that it is important to allow women to feel the freedom and confidence of being able to rock their bare skin, without having to fall into the self-conscious state that I know comes with the taboo of going naked faced. I believe it is important to embrace your natural beauty, without makeup, because its the skin your going to have for the rest of your life, why not love it?

This post comes at a time when the barefaced selfies, or nomakeup selfies, are doing the rounds on the internet, particularly twitter and facebook, to raise cancer awareness. I looked into how the nomakeup selfies started, and found that it was originally to raise money for a UK cancer charity organisation, but has blown up into a global phenomenon of beautiful women of all ages posting bare faced photos of themselves to raise cancer awareness.

Although a controversial topic of late, as many argue that posting these photos isn't really benefitting those who are fighting cancer, who have lost loved ones to cancer or those who have passed on as a result of cancer, I believe that the old saying of all publicity is good publicity and that the more awareness their is, in promoting cancer awareness, the better the outcome for those trying to raise money for cancer.
So whether its jumping on the bandwagon, trying to feel empowered or trying to empower others, I think the nomakeup selfes, or barefaced selfies are a trend that could benefit more than just those affected by cancer in the long run, I think it could affect the perception of beauty in women, and I think we should all strive for that.
Thankyou for reading, please leave any thought you have on barefaced or
nomakeup selfies or the trending pictures.
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