Once upon a time their was a girl who lived in the land of delusion......
okay okay i wasn't that bad. but i did live in a place of denial about my size and my weight, and i really just didn't want to face the truth about just how big i allowed myself to get.
While living in this delusional place, I used to buy jeans and other clothing in a size that i thought i was, when really i wasn't even close to that size. But every time i found something that didn't fit, I would just shove it into the back of my drawer, telling myself that one day it would fit.

That day finally came, recently i was packing up my room to move houses and i came across a drawer full of jeans that have never fitted from the day i bought them. I decided to try them on before throwing them out ( or donating them), conceding that these pants were never going to fit. But as i tried them on, pair by pair, i was pleasantly surprised.
Not only did they fit for the first time ever, but some of them were even too loose for me to wear. It was an amazing moment of pride and a very proud healthy moment for me. I am writing this post to inspire all of you who maybe feel like the things you want are impossible, they arnt! Don't just reach for the stars, reach even higher, because the only limits we have are the ones we set for ourselves.

have an amazing day.
Jessica xxxxx
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