Dr Bronner's is an organic brand that is pretty well know to those who like to use more natural products in everyday life. I have had very little experience with Dr Bronner's products previously, only using the almond scent magic liquid soap to wash my makeup brushes (which did a fantastic job, despite my distaste for the scent) and i once tried to use it to wash my hair, with results that left me less than impressed.
But despite my impartial history with the products, i thought i would give the brand another go and purchased the Dr Bronners magic liquid soap in - tea tree scent aswell as rose scent, and the conditioning rinse in citrus.
Now feeling a little skeptical of the products, i decided that i would need to do some research and managed to find some all important dilution methods, which have made the world of difference, I found them here; which is Dr Bronner's granddaughters blog- she goes through the dilutions that should be used in order to make these products useful in all aspects of the house.
So as previously stated, I thought i would give the brand another try- purchases the tea tree scent for my hair or if i am having a particularly bad skin day and the rose scent for skin care as I have a tendency to have particularly reddened skin and rose is known for its calming properties.

Overall I have seen the magic that Dr Bronners products boast about- aswell as being affordable ( at $7.95 for a 235ml bottle), accessible (the website ships worldwide), aswell as the products can be found at your local health store or health food online store.
Have you tried any Dr Bronners products? Have you got any reccomendations for other organic natural products for me to try?
Have a fantastic day!
Jess xx
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